Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Looking at some blogs...

So what are the starting points that make a strong blog?  After looking at the three blogs "The Future", "Through a Gypsies Eyes" and "Stitched Personae"  I have seen some things that I think help make these blogs successful as well as some small things that I think may take away from them.

"The Future"  has a really great Blog Description that is optomistic, and purposeful.  It take a real concern and puts it into perspective as well as gives a more hopeful way to look at it.  It is also relatable, using "we" to connect the author with the readers.  I think that the title could be focused a little more, however, and that his about me could be changed a bit.  I think that is very relatable which is great but at the same time almost depreciates blogging which some readers could find insulting. 

"Through a Gypsies Eyes" blog description engages the reader directly with an extremely conversational tone and addressing them directly.  Its a topic that a lot of people are interested in but may be a little broad. The about me is very open, sweet and helps the reader get to know the author.  Her personality really shines through in both sections, as well as in the photos.  I don't like that she chose to use all caps for the writing, and I think that she could have been more purposeful in creating the statements.  State why she is writing it, make it for the reader in some way. 

"Stitched Personae" has an interesting blog description about a very specific and focused topic.  It is something that likely doesn't have as many blogs written about it and that will help.  She also does a good job of explaining something that a lot of people may not be familiar with.  I don't like that she referenced the about me, that as well as some aspects of her writing style make it seem very formal and stiff.  The reference to the fact that the blog is for a class does the same in her about me section.  The about me also focuses the blog on herself rather than on the readers which I see as a problem, but others might not but does the important thing of showing her credability. 

So in summary some things I would take from my impression of these blogs is to be conversational and reader directed, but also purposeful.  I would like to show my credability and allow readers to feel like they know me. 

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